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Get User Details

After the user is authenticated, to get user-related information, we can use the following function. This will return the user details in a LinkedHashMap.

GlobalScope.launch {
    runCatching {
    }.onSuccess { userDetails ->
    }.onFailure { e ->
        // Display error message


You cannot directly use Composable functions inside a coroutine, above its used to show the flow of the application. You can use the getBasicUserInfo function in a ViewModel or a Repository and observe the result in the Composable function.


When using GlobalScope, make sure to cancel the coroutine when the composable is removed from the screen. This is to avoid memory leaks. Also instead of using GlobalScope, you can use viewModelScope if you are using the MVVM pattern in your application. For more information on how to handle coroutines in Jetpack Compose, see the following documentation.