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Error Handling in the Asgardeo Android SDK

Error handling is an important aspect of any application. It is crucial to handle errors gracefully and provide meaningful error messages to the user. This guide provides details on error handling in the Asgardeo Android SDK.

As mentioned in the Start the Authentication Process guide, the AuthenticationState.Error state is triggered when an error occurs during the authentication process. This state provides an error message that can be displayed to the user.

How to Capture Errors in the Authentication Process

The above mentioned error state is triggered when an error occurs during the authentication process, and throws a FlowManagerException. You can capture this error and handle it as shown below:

is AuthenticationState.Error -> {
    when ( {
        "FlowManagerException" -> {
            // Handle the error

You can handle this error by displaying a meaningful error message to the user like a toast message or a snackbar.

is AuthenticationState.Error -> {
    when ( {
        "FlowManagerException" -> {
            Toast.makeText(context, "An error occurred during the authentication process", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show()

Also if you want to show an error message in the TextFields, you have to navigate to the login component and show the error message.

To view the specific error message, you can use the the messages property of the FlowManagerException as shown below:

val messages: ArrayList<any> = (it.throwable as FlowManagerException).messages

This will return an array of error messages that is returned by Asgardeo, explaining the error in detail.

Authenticator Not Found Error

If the used authenticator is not found in current authentication step, the AuthenticationState.Error state is triggered with a AuthenticatorProviderException that contains the error message Authenticator not found. You can capture this error and handle it as shown below:

is AuthenticationState.Error -> {
    when ( {
        "AuthenticatorProviderException" -> {
            // Handle the error

But the best approach is to avoid this error by checking the availability of the authenticator before using it. This can be done by dynamically checking the availability of the authenticator as shown in the Start the Authentication Process guide.

Authenticator Specific Errors

Redirect Based Authentication Errors

If the authenticator is a redirect-based authenticator, the AuthenticationState.Error state is triggered with a RedirectAuthenticationException that contains the error messages like Redirect URI not found. You can capture this error and handle it as shown below:

is AuthenticationState.Error -> {
    when ( {
        "RedirectAuthenticationException" -> {
            // Handle the error

You can see all the error messages that can be thrown by the redirect-based authenticator in the RedirectAuthenticationException from here.

Google Authentication Error (Legacy & New)

If the authenticator is Google, the AuthenticationState.Error state is triggered with a GoogleNativeAuthenticationException that contains the error messages like Google Web Client ID is not set. You can capture this error and handle it as shown below:

is AuthenticationState.Error -> {
    when ( {
        "GoogleNativeAuthenticationException" -> {
            // Handle the error

You can see all the error messages that can be thrown by the Google authenticator in the GoogleNativeAuthenticationException from here.

Passkey Authentication Error

If the authenticator is Passkey, the AuthenticationState.Error state is triggered with a PasskeyAuthenticationException that contains the error messages like Passkey Authentication is not supported. You can capture this error and handle it as shown below:

is AuthenticationState.Error -> {
    when ( {
        "PasskeyAuthenticationException" -> {
            // Handle the error

You can see all the error messages that can be thrown by the Passkey authenticator in the PasskeyAuthenticationException from here.