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Client Attestation

You can also use client attestation with the SDK as well.

How to setup client attestation for your application

  1. In the created mobile application in Asgardeo, go Advanced and check Enable client attestation.

  2. Subscribe to the "Google Play Integrity API" from your Google Cloud project. You can do this from Enabled API's & Services in your Google Cloud project.

  3. Create a new service account in the Google project. You can create a Service Account for yourself with the following steps.

    1. In your Google project, go to IAM & Admin -> Service Accounts.
    2. Click Create Service Account.
    3. Fill in the name and click Create.
    4. Grant your service account the roles of Service Account User and Service Usage Consumer.
    5. Click Continue and then Done
    6. You can see the service account added without keys, go to Actions -> Manage Keys on the service account.
    7. Click Add key and Select JSON.
    8. Save the JSON in a secure place as this is required for Android Attestation Credentials for application metadata.
  4. After that, update the Application's Advanced properties. The application you created requires two properties to perform Android attestation.

    1. Android package name
    2. androidAttestationServiceCredentials The downloaded JSON secret of the Service Account. Note that this attribute is defined as a JSON object hence use the JSON key as it is.
  5. Now you can call the Google Play Integrity API from your application and pass the integrity token that you will get from the API result to the integrityToken value of the AuthenticationCoreConfig.

private val asgardeoAuth: AsgardeoAuth = AsgardeoAuth.getInstance(
        discoveryEndpoint = "<org_name>/oauth2/token/.well-known/openid-configuration",
        redirectUri = "wso2sample://oauth2",
        clientId = "<client_id>",
        scope = "openid profile",
        integrityToken = "<integrity_token>"