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Start the Authentication Process

  1. Initialize the SDK object AsgardeoAuth, to authenticate users into your application. This can be done in a repository if you are using an MVVM pattern in your application.

    private val asgardeoAuth: AsgardeoAuth = AsgardeoAuth.getInstance(
            discoveryEndpoint = "<org_name>/oauth2/token/.well-known/openid-configuration",
            authnEndpoint = "<org_name>/oauth2/authn",
            redirectUri = "",
            clientId = "<client_id>",
            scope = "openid profile email"

    AuthenticationCoreConfig holds the configuration details that are required to set up the communication between the SDK and the Asgardeo.

  2. Get the AuthenticationProvider from the created AsgardeoAuth instance. This will assist you in handling the authentication process.

val authenticationProvider: AuthenticationProvider = asgardeoAuth.getAuthenticationProvider()

AuthenticationProvider handles the authentication process using StateFlow. This will help you to handle each state of the authentication process easily. There are four states in the authentication process (AuthenticationState):

  • AuthenticationState.Initial: Initial state of the authentication process.
  • AuthenticationState.Loading: SDK is calling an API to handle the authentication and waiting for the result.
  • AuthenticationState.Unauthenticated: This means the authentication flow is still not completed and a particular step is getting challenged for authentication. In this state, the list of available authenticators will be returned to you in a AuthenticationFlowNotSuccess object.
  • AuthenticationState.Authenticated: User is authenticated.
  • AuthenticationState.Error: An error occurred during the authentication flow.
  1. To start the authentication process, call authenticationProvider.getAuthenticationStateFlow, this will act as the observer for the authentication state changes.
val authenticationStateFlow = authenticationProvider.getAuthenticationStateFlow()

After that, you can call authenticationProvider.isLoggedInStateFlow, this will check if there is an active session available, and if available, the authentication state will emit AuthenticationState.Authenticated, else will emit AuthenticationState.Initial.

Then call the authenticationProvider.initializeAuthentication to initialize the authentication process when the state is AuthenticationState.Initial.


All the suspend functions should be called inside a coroutine scope. Suspended functions in the SDK are designed to be optimized for Dispatchers.IO context.

internal fun LandingScreen() {
    val context: Context = LocalContext.current
    val authenticationStateFlow = authenticationProvider.getAuthenticationStateFlow()

    HandleAuthenticationState(authenticationStateFlow, context)

private fun IsLoggedInStateFlow(context: Context) {
    LaunchedEffect(key1 = Unit) {
        GlobalScope.launch {

private fun HandleAuthenticationState(authenticationStateFlow: StateFlow<AuthenticationState>) {
    LaunchedEffect(key1 = Unit) {
        GlobalScope.launch {
            authenticationStateFlow.collect {
                when (it) {
                    is AuthenticationState.Initial -> {
                        // pre /authorize
                    is AuthenticationState.Unauthenticated -> {
                        * Gets called when /authorize and /authn responds with an “INCOMPLETE” state. 
                        * This means authentication flow is still not completed and a particular step is getting
                        * challenged for authentication.
                    is AuthenticationState.Error -> {
                        * Gets called when /authorize and /authn responds with an “FAIL_INCOMPLETE” state 
                        * which responds at an error of a particular authentication step
                    is AuthenticationState.Authenticated -> {
                        * Gets called when /authn responds with an “SUCCESS” state. This means 
                        * authentication flow is completed

                    is AuthenticationState.Loading -> {
                        // Show loading


You cannot directly use Composable functions inside a coroutine, above its used to show the flow of the application. The best approach you can take is to use navigation.

Assuming that you have configured Username and Password as the first authentication step and TOTP as the second step, you can develop the UI as follows using the AuthenticatorTypes provided by the SDK to populate the login form.

 * Assuming the authentication process is, basic as first factor and TOTP as second factor
internal fun LoginForm(
    authenticationFlow: AuthenticationFlowNotSuccess,
    onSuccessfulLogin: (User) -> Unit
) {
    authenticationFlow.nextStep.authenticators.forEach {
        when (it.authenticator) {
            AuthenticatorTypes.BASIC_AUTHENTICATOR.authenticatorType -> { 
                BasicAuth(authenticator = it)

            AuthenticatorTypes.TOTP_AUTHENTICATOR.authenticatorType -> { 
                TotpAuth(authenticator = it)

In the BasicAuth component you can call the authentication function provided by the AuthenticationProvider to authenticate with username and password. Similarly, this can be done in other components as well.

internal fun BasicAuth(authenticator: Authenticator) {
        onLoginClick = { username, password ->
            GlobalScope.launch {
                    context = context,
                    authenticatorId = authenticator.authenticatorId,
                    username = username,
                    password = password

fun BasicAuthComponent(
    onLoginClick: (username: String, password: String) -> Unit
) {
    Column() {
        var username by remember { mutableStateOf("") }
        var password by remember { mutableStateOf("") }

            value = username,
            onValueChange = { username = it },
            label = { Text(text = "Username") }
            value = password,
            onValueChange = { password = it },
            visualTransformation = PasswordVisualTransformation(),
            label = { Text(text = "Password") }
        Button(onClick = { onLoginClick(username, password) }) {
            Text(text = "Login")

You will not need to handle the authentication state in multiple places, you can do it at the start of the application, and it will handle the state accordingly.


When using GlobalScope, make sure to cancel the coroutine when the composable is removed from the screen. This is to avoid memory leaks. Also instead of using GlobalScope, you can use viewModelScope if you are using the MVVM pattern in your application. For more information on how to handle coroutines in Jetpack Compose, see the following documentation.